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This vehicle was propelled by a commercially available I-class solid rocket motor. The primary objectives of this undertaking encompassed not only enabling team members to attain certification as high-powered rocket users but also providing a foundational exposure to fundamental aerospace engineering principles for those within the team who were less experienced in this domain.

Rocket Components

Nose Cone

Following extensive research into the suitable nose cone geometry for our specific application, the decision was made to opt for a Von Karman curve. To realize this vision, two junior members of the construction team were engaged, and they were briefed on the concept. Subsequently, the equation was refined to accommodate the pertinent measurements and then utilized in the CAD modeling process. It became apparent that the software we initially employed lacked the requisite support for equation-driven geometry. Consequently, we transitioned to a more advanced software solution and adjusted our equation to align with the syntax and format of the program. The resultant file underwent further refinement and was ultimately forwarded to HP Labs for high-quality additive manufacturing.

Avionics Bay

Effective management of parachute deployment sequences is pivotal for the success of the flight. The deployment events are governed by a commercial flight computer installed within the avionics bay. The avionics bay was subject to several critical technical specifications, including secure positioning of the flight computer and power source, facilitation of easy removal, and maintaining pressure isolation from the parachute bay to prevent any interference with the pressure measurements taken by the flight computer during deployment events. Once these requirements were established, collaborative brainstorming sessions were held with members of the construction team, resulting in the generation of conceptual designs. These concepts were subsequently translated into CAD models and tangible Masonite prototypes.

Parachute Deployment Mechanism

The avionics bay is responsible for overseeing deployment events, while the release mechanism operates independently. The main parachute, being of considerable size, tends to generate significant friction with the rocket's body walls when it is being extracted during deployment. This friction posed a challenge, necessitating an excessive amount of force for a successful deployment. To address this issue, a collaborative effort was initiated with the core team to devise a custom-designed ejection bag with constriction properties, specifically tailored for the parachute. This innovative solution effectively minimized the cross-sectional profile of the packed parachute, ensuring a smooth and easily achievable deployment process.

Motor-Fin Assembly

The rear internal framework of the rocket is characterized by a cylindrical structure serving a dual-purpose role: it provides a secure attachment point for both the motor and fins to the rocket body, while also efficiently transmitting the motor's thrust to the airframe. The initial requirements for this structure were formulated independently and subsequently delegated to the subteam. Ensuring that the team had access to essential software tools and resources to accomplish the design was a key responsibility. The configuration of the fins was systematically refined through an iterative process, leveraging simulations in OpenRocket. My ongoing collaboration with the team encompassed discussions on design intricacies, individual component creation in CAD, assembly of these components, and the eventual fabrication of Masonite prototypes within the machine shop.


All in all, the rocket's performance during the flight was commendable. While the on-site reconstruction of the parachute deployment mechanism was necessitated by complications, the rocket successfully executed its flight, reaching a maximum altitude of 2496 feet—a height well within the boundaries set by the launch site regulations. Unfortunately, the parachute deployment did not occur as intended due to the ejection charge's suboptimal placement. Nevertheless, the flight was categorized as a success, given the seamless ascent and the vehicle's successful recovery. Looking ahead, plans are in place for the design of a new avionics bay, which will ensure optimal placement of the ejection charge, thereby guaranteeing the precise deployment of the parachute in future missions.